Saturday, August 30, 2008

My school schedule for the year!

Hello, I thought I'd post the schedule for my school year, so those of you who are thinking "hey, I'd like to come visit!" can do so knowing when I am more available. So here it is.

First Term
September 3rd Start of first term
October 15-19 Mid-term holiday
December 17 End of first term

Second Term
January 11 Start of second term
February 6-7 ALA Grand Opening Celebration
February 19-22 Mid-term holiday
March 26 End of second term

Third Team
April 5 Start of third term
May 14-18 Mid-term holiday
June 25 End of school year


Unknown said...

hey dude - what is going on over there? i am starting to worry.

Anonymous said...

pete! tracy and i are coming to visit in late june/early july. we will plan our trip by the end of oct. and let you know the exact dates. we want a fun african adventure!